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Oil Painting, Oil Painting Reproduction, and Portrait - Artmall2000

Oil Painting Catalog
Alma-Tadema, Sir Lawrence 
Bierstadt, Albert 
Bouguereau, William 
Cassatt, Mary 
Cézanne, Paul 
David, JL
Degas, Edgar 
Gauguin, Paul 
Godward, John W.
Klimt, Gustav
Leighton, Edmund Blair
Leighton, Lord Frederic
Manet, Edouard
Monet, Claude
Moran, Thomas
Pissarro, Camille
Renoir, Pierre-Auguste
Rossetti, Dante Gabriel
Russell, Charles M.
Sargent, John Singer
Sisley, Alfred
Toulouse-Lautrec, H
Van Gogh, Vincent
Vermeer, Johannes
Waterhouse, John W
Winterhalter, Franz Xavier
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Still Life 

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William Bouguereau

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Madone assise, Translated title: The Seated Madonna. 1888

Madame la Comtesse de Cambaceres, Translated title: Madam the Countess of Cambaceres. 1895

Lorage, Translated title: The Storm, 1874

Loin du pays, Translated title: Far from home. 1867

Linnocence, Translated title: Innocence. 1893

Le repos, Translated title: Rest. 1879

Le Lever, Translated title: Up You Go, 1871

Le Jour, Translated title: Day. 1884

Le jeune frere, Translated title: Little brother. 1900

Le jeune frere, Translated title: Little brother.1902

Le Jeune Bergere, Translated title: Lambs.1897

Le guepier

Le gouter

Le Crab

Le captif

Leveil du coeur, Translated title: The Heart's Awakening. 1892

Letoile perdue, Translated title: The Lost Pleiad. 1884

Les prunes, Translated title: Plums. 1896

Les pommes (Apples), 1897

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